01 Feb Into February
A new month, and often the gloomiest one of the year here in Ottawa. Night sets in around five o’clock, and most of us are tired of the snow and frigid temperatures. However, this is also a great time to stay inside and write, watch a movie, snuggle up in front of the fire with a glass of wine.
So, this happened last week. Dundurn announced our book deal in Publisher’s Weekly and Quill & Quire. There’s no turning back 🙂
I’ve been steadily plugging away on the manuscript and am now at 48,000 words. As all authors know, the first draft is only the starting point, so I’m working to get it finished in order to have lots of time to edit and pull the plot together before the June 1st deadline. I have a ways to go!
This past Wednesday evening, a book club in an apartment building in the east end invited me to be their guest author. They were interested in how I came to mystery novels as well as my process for coming up with ideas, the plot and characters. Some had read Blind Date and gave positive feedback, especially enjoying the local setting. There were about fifteen in attendance, and you can see by the photos that we were having no fun at all 🙂 It was a great few hours with this lovely group.
I also received another invitation this week to visit a seniors non-profit independent living facility in Bells Corners as part of their mystery-reading month of February. This is one of the fun parts of being a writer – meeting so many interesting people who love reading and talking about books and ideas.
So, back at my keyboard this weekend. I also have to get some tasks to do in. preparation for the release of Who Lies in Wait, although my web designer Kim got the upcoming release onto my website. You can read the cover blurb to get an idea of the plot. I spent a few hours last week on book keeping, and will do more this week as well (almost caught up).
But first … another cup of coffee to get this day started. Have a great week, everyone!