Author: Brenda Chapman

First Saturday in November. We've had a topsy turvy last few weeks, weather-wise. Late in the day on Halloween, Ted and I sat in the backyard with a bottle of wine in the 26 degree C warmth. Yesterday, I had on my puffer jacket and...

We're nearing the end of October and life is getting busier. Today, you'll find me at Coles Bayshore from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., signing copies of my books, which make good stocking-stuffers if I say so myself. Apparently the store is pretty much sold out...

Good Saturday morning. This will be a short post today as I'm in the middle of a curling bonspiel being held in Chelsea, Quebec, not all that far from our house. Our first game was last evening (we squeaked out a win) and we have two...

Such a week. I received my manuscript back from my editor Allister Thompson and not too much major to work on. Lots of little edits (commas), but I'm going through the text slowly and have about 80 pages left to review. Allister said I could share...

Good Saturday morning, my friends. It's been a plugging away kind of week. I got some writing done, but sitting myself down at the keyboard every day has been difficult. The weather has been so glorious that I'm having a hard time staying indoors, much less...

Good Saturday morning this last week of September. The days continue to be spectacular in my corner of the universe. I curled my first game of the season last night and am feeling a bit achy this morning - a good achy though. It was a...

Another week in the books.  We've had a gorgeous stretch of September weather to end the summer. I've been spending a lot of the day in the backyard, writing, reading and puttering in the garden. I've begun emptying the saddest-looking of the potted flowers even...

Good morning, everyone. We're having a lovely week weather-wise in Ottawa although the autumn leaves have begun turning. I've been busy editing the fourth in the Hunter and Tate series as I incorporate comments from my three beta readers before sending it off to my editor,...

Hi Everyone - This post means summer is drawing to a close and school is back. I'm sad about that, but happy to be blogging about my writing life. I hope you had a wonderful summer! So today I will be at Indigo South Keys from...

Just seeing if I can sneak this Kitchissippi Times interview onto Facebook via my blog! Facebook considers it a news story and won't let me post it ...