Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

Good Saturday morning, my friends.

It’s been a plugging away kind of week. I got some writing done, but sitting myself down at the keyboard every day has been difficult. The weather has been so glorious that I’m having a hard time staying indoors, much less concentrate. Still, I managed about 2500 words, but a definite slow down.

I thought my event dance card was full these last three months before Christmas, but Chapters Rideau invited me to set up a Saturday signing. They’d asked me in the summer but I was taking a holiday and so postponed setting up a date. I offered a couple of dates and they picked November 16 and December 14 …  now I’m really done taking on any more events before Christmas! Coincidently, the question on 7 Criminal Minds blogspot this week concerned our upcoming projects and events. In case you missed it, here is the link.

Lis Angus, a local crime fiction writer whose debut thriller is titled Not Your Child, read and reviewed Fatal Harvest. She writes: “With lots of suspense, some great interplay between characters (among the police as well as civilians) and a couple of great twists, this is a terrific read with some intriguing storylines that intertwine and lead to a satisfying ending.” You can read the entire review here.

We’ve entered the season of cool nights, witches, pumpkins, hot cocoa, and falling leaves. I love this time of year. Pulling out the sweaters and wool socks; adding another blanket to the bed; turning on the gas fireplace to take off the morning chill. It’s great weather for walking or taking a bike ride, even finding a spot in the sun to read. Whatever you’re up to, enjoy the week ahead and see you back here next Saturday morning 🙂