At the Keyboard

At the Keyboard

Another week in the books, and it was a frigid one here in Ottawa. I managed to avoid going outdoors for the most part – ever since the pandemic, I’m comfortable staying home and puttering, although one social gathering got me out…

We had our Crime Writers of Canada social get together on Thursday evening at a restaurant in my neighbourhood called Grounded. Seventeen of us gathered for drinks and dinner, and this turned out to be the perfect venue. There were several authors I’d never met before as well as old friends, so a great networking opportunity. The word is already out to organize another get together in the summer, perhaps in someone’s back yard. Here are a few pics from the evening.

I got a bit accomplished this week. Another reread of Who Lies in Wait in preparation for some early publicity opportunities. A call with Dundurn to discuss a contract. Back writing the latest manuscript after a couple of days spent editing. An afternoon working on my bookkeeping. Still lots left to do, but I’m beginning to corral the tasks.

As an update to last week’s Quebec provincial tournament with my daughter Lisa on the St. Georges team, they won and earned a berth in the Scotties. It promises to be a fun week in Thunder Bay in February! I’m trying to get ahead on my manuscript so I can take the full week off to cheer them on.

Finally, it was my Monday to blog on 7 Criminal Minds, and the topic was books made into movies (better? worse?) Here is my take.

Have a good week, everyone!