18 Jan A Quick Catch-Up
Chilling down here in Ottawa. Good weather for staying inside and writing. I’ve had a great week, managing about 5000 words on the latest manuscript. Yahoo.
The contract for this book has a June 1st deadline. While this seems like a lot of time, it isn’t really. I figure I have to hit 10.000 words a month if I’m going to have time to edit and finesse. I normally pick up speed as I near the end of a book, but there’s still a ways to go on this one. My goal is 85,000 words when all is said and done.
I’ve got a lot of business and publicity stuff to do in preparation for the May 1st release of Who Lies in Wait, fourth in the Hunter and Tate series. but I’ve been procrastinating, spending all my time writing, which is also a priority. Maybe I need to split myself in two to get everything done. I’m beginning to see why best-selling authors hire assistants. Here is the book cover in case you missed its reveal last week.
I’ve been helping to organize a Crime Writers of Canada, Eastern Ontario get together with fellow authors Mary Jane Maffini and Barbara Fradkin. This involved booking a restaurant, advertising to members and getting everything coordinated. We’ll be meeting up this Thursday and the turn out promises to be good if everyone who RSVP’s makes it. I’ll give a recap of the evening next week!
Not a great deal more to report on the writing side. I’m feeling somewhat overwhelmed with all the tasks I have on my plate yet am managing to carry on as if I’m on top of things. After all, writing isn’t the only thing consuming my time. I might have mentioned that I’m still curling and average a couple of games a week. We’re also cheering on our daughters – Julia will be skipping Team Nunavut at this year’s Scotties while Lisa is currently in provincial playdowns, playing lead on a Quebec team, which finished the round robin last night with a 5-0 record in a very tight game. Championship round yet to come. It would be quite something to have both daughters at the Scotties in Thunder Bay! We’re proud of them regardless of the outcomes.
So, back to the keyboard this week with a bit of socializing and hopefully publicity thrown in. Have a good week, everyone. I’ll return next Saturday with another update:-)