Wrapping up September

Wrapping up September

Good Saturday morning! Already the end of September and the first week of October in Ottawa promises to be a sunny, warm one. The leaves have barely begun turning and looks like we’ll have to wait another week.

Okay, full confession – I’ve slacked off on my writing stuff this week. I’m not sure where the time went, but I’ve gotten very little accomplished. One thing I did do was contact Coles Carlingwood to set up a November 18th signing from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. if you want to stop by. It’s a chance to buy some signed  books for those on your Christmas list. In the meantime, the store also ordered twenty copies of the Hunter and Tate series, which I’ll sign and drop off tomorrow. So, not a completely wasted week 🙂


I might have said last week that I completed drafting my questions for the Kathy Reichs interview on October 16th. I feel prepared for that event and have begun working on the talk I’ll be giving at the Canadian Authors Association meeting at Beaverbrook Library the week following.  Public speaking is nerve-wracking, and the only way to counter this is to be prepared I’ve learned. Even if you sound as if you’re speaking off the cuff, it’s best to have thought through what you’d like to say ahead of time. That said, tomorrow I’ll be on a video call with a British publisher for her podcast. This will be an adventure since I have no idea what we’ll be discussing, and the preparation piece is out the window. Hopefully, I’ll be able to share a link if I don’t bumble it up too badly.

I have some editing to do this weekend on the Fatal Harvest manuscript before I send it off to the editor next week. I’ve yet to hear final comments from two beta readers, but even if they send their notes after the professional edit, I’ll have time to consider their issues or suggestions. Still waiting on the cover concept, so lots of time to get things organized.

I’ve been thinking lately that I miss writing, so this break has been good to refresh the creative juices. I’m running a few ideas through my brain for the next book, but soon I’ll have to sit down at the keyboard to get the first chapter underway. Perhaps after this last beautiful week of warm temperatures … the garden needs putting to sleep for the winter, and I’d prefer to get that done before the cold weather sets in.

Happy week, everyone.