The Weekly Catch Up

The Weekly Catch Up

Greetings on the last Saturday in September. The two days of solid rain (with warnings even) kept me indoors working on book stuff. Not a bad thing really.

I’ve been editing more than writing this week — going through final changes on the Blind Date manuscript. I now have a release date of March 1, 2022, so about six months away! The cover reveal should happen in November, so stay tuned.

In other news, Erik D’Souza interviewed me on Facebook live about my role as Crime Writers of Canada Director of Ottawa and Eastern Ontario. Erik is a B.C. author and also sits on the Board, coordinating all our webinars, which sadly are only for members, that is, unless you are a member 🙂 You can, however, check out my interview.

Two CWC members from my region have asked me to interview them as part of the series of interviews I did last winter, so I have them lined up for the next two Wednesday mornings with postings TBD. This involves researching them and their work and coming up with questions beforehand. I’ve also been invited to be a virtual guest on Daytime Ottawa with the taping this Wednesday and airing three times on Cable 22 television October 6. This interview was to have been live in studio the week that the pandemic shut everything down, and the show has been on hiatus ever since. It’s great to see them back up and running.

Readers continue to send lovely messages to me through email from all over the world, including this snippet from one:

I’m in Australia & we are still stuck in the ongoing COVID (stay at  home) lock down, and being emerged in your books has been my daily highlight. I loved the last minute mystery twist and turns you had and the Kala/Gundersand/Dawn relationships. I was hooked after reading the first few pages of Cold Mourning.

Notes like these make my day, especially knowing that the books are bringing enjoyment through the difficult time of Covid.  This review for My Sister’s Keeper also brings good feelings. Also notable this week, the Goodreads ratings and reviews for my books have now surpassed 10,000 – cheers and thanks to everyone who’s taken the time to write a review. These really do snowball and help authors get their books read.

Today, I’ll be back editing even though it’s looking like a nice day going on in the Ottawa Valley. A walk and some time in the garden, cleaning out pots is also on the agenda. I hope you also have a great weekend. Until next time….