Summer in April

Summer in April

We’ve had one fabulous week weather-wise in Ottawa. A real taste of summer after a rather devastating ice storm. The swing in temperatures is sometimes quite astonishing. We hit over 30 degrees C on Thursday, a record for that day, and everyone’s spirits lifted along with the brilliant sunshine.

It’s hard to believe that one year ago, Ted and I were getting ready to spend a month in France. We debated going because the pandemic was still in full swing, but made a leap of faith and off we flew. It was one of the best times, showing that taking a chance now and then can be a wonderful thing.

I haven’t a lot new to report this Saturday morning. I buckled down at the beginning of the week and began a thorough reread and edit of the first 40,000 words in my latest manuscript. I need to refresh myself about the story, update my notes, and better pull the plot together. I’ve so far added about 500 words and am only part-way through.

I’ve been invited to another book club in early May and it will be virtual since they have members in other cities. I’ll be stopping this blog for the summer after the launch, but will be available if other book clubs would like me to visit. You can always send along a note through my contact page.

On the review front, When Last Seen received one that made my day. It’s short but sweet:

“Sheer perfection. I couldn’t put this story down. Will recommend to others.” 5/5 stars 🙂

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to post a review or talk about my books with friends. I know this is helping to spread the word because of the comments from new readers who tell me a friend recommended one of my books.

So the book launch at Irene’s Pub is two weeks away! A lot of people have told me they plan to attend and I think this launch could be the best one yet … and there have been some great ones in the past. Know that you are invited if you would like to join the celebration.