Staying Positive

Staying Positive

Good Saturday morning.

I got up early to be on CBC Radio’s show In Town and Out with host Giacamo Panico and Jane Askin, Dawn McEwen’s mom to talk about our daughters representing Canada at the Olympics. You can listen to the segment here.

Not a lot to talk about this week writing-wise. I started working on my latest manuscript, making chapter notes and editing text. I also started a final read through of Blind Date before it’s available March 1st. I’ve found that no matter how many times I go through it, I always find some wording to change. I’m going to be pleased to  stop fidgeting with it and to call it a wrap. That should happen by tomorrow! My narrator was on holidays last week so we had a break from recording and editing. This will start up again this week.

Yes, we’ve spent a lot of time watching the Olympics, a happy diversion during this unsettling time in Ottawa. We’ve even been getting up at 0ne a.m. to catch some of the games live. As you are likely aware, our city is being occupied by protesters and we’re starting into the third week. More protests are taking place at border crossings, causing major disruptions to trade and our supply chain. These illegal demonstrations are a wake up call to governments that never could have predicted the lengths protesters would to to in order to turn our lives upside down.

I’ll be back at the keyboard this week when time and sleep deprivation allow. I’ll also have to put on my publicist hat and work to get word out there about Blind Date. There is always so much to do, but the trick is to focus on one thing at a time.

Wishing you a good day. Ours is starting off with a freezing rain warning, just to keep us on our toes. Did I mention we’re still battling a pandemic? It’s difficult to imagine what this week will bring …. perhaps a new book to take your mind off things?!