Springing Up All Over

Springing Up All Over

A lovely morning out there – spring has arrived! I curled my last club game this week and have hung up my broom for the season … time to break out the deck chairs.

I’ve been plugging away on my latest manuscript. I also wrote a cover blurb for the last Anna Sweet entitled Too Close to Home and gave some ideas for the cover, which is now with the designer. The other thing occupying my week has been sending out book launch invitations although please know you are welcome even if you do not receive the invite individually. The Haughian Brothers Band will entertain and Perfect Books will be on hand and snacks will be provided. Going to be a party…

Date: June 3, 2019
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Location: The Cross, 360 Elgin Street, Ottawa

lead singer Bernie Haughian from last year’s launch

This week, I’m taking part in the Arthur Ellis shortlist event at Chapters Rideau from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Mary Jane Maffini is MC and other Ottawa authors participating include Linda Wiken,  Jim Napier, Madona Skaff and Paulette McCarthy. Other AE events are going on simultaneously across the country and again all are welcome.

Also to put on your calendars, Thursday, April 25 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., join me, Barbara Fradkin and interviewer (and CBC Radio host) Giacomo Panico at the Carlingwood Branch of the Ottawa Public Library for Murder in the Hood – a discussion of crime writing with a local focus. This event is free and no need to pre-register.

And if you can’t make the launch, I’m lined up for a signing at Coles Carlingwood on Saturday, June 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – a bit in the future, but as I’ve discovered, the future arrives quicker than one would think.

Two other items this week. I was on the Power Lunch on Tuesday at noon with host Mark Sutcliffe and guest Danny Kingsbury, who turns out is the dad of Adam Kingsbury. Adam coached Lisa and Team Homan and we saw him at many events over the past few years. Small world. Anyhow, we had a most entertaining half hour.

I also blogged at 7 Criminal Minds and you can read my post on what I’ve changed since I started being published at this link.

Time to get in gear and get outside to enjoy the day. I wish you a lovely weekend and good week ahead.