Rounding Out 2020

Rounding Out 2020

Good Saturday morning. We’ve got a snow/freezing rain event going on in the Ottawa Valley all day today and into tomorrow as we near the half-way point in December. It’s been quite a decent month to date so far though so I won’t complain.

A couple of things. This will be my last blogpost until after the New Year as I take a break for the holidays. My other 7 Criminal Minds blog will also be taking a break after this week so felt like a good idea. Speaking of which, this week and next, we’re giving our annual book recommendations so a good chance to pick up some gift ideas or books for yourself. My blog post was Monday if you’d like to check it out.

Crime Writers of Canada posted interview number four on its Youtube channel this week. I interviewed Ottawa author Madona Skaff and learned a lot about her writing career and some other interesting facts about her life that I hadn’t known. I also interviewed Barbara Fradkin this week and this one will be posted in January – another break if you will 🙂 I have to say that in addition to learning some interesting facts about my fellow authors, I’m also enjoying chatting with them since I haven’t visited with many people since the pandemic has kept us home for the most part.

I’m still writing but not at a great pace. I’m hoping to speed up but likely will take a bit of a break (another!) over the holidays. Christmas will be quiet this year but it still feels like a time to light a few fires, eat turkey, drink wine, sleep in, and connect with family and friends. Zoom has been a godsend as we’re told to stay home.

So as 2020 wraps up, I wish you a good holiday and good health and happiness in 2021. We do live in interesting times, but maybe 2021 could try to be a little less interesting 🙂

A few of my favourite photos from 2020:

 Waiting for the Covid maple to grow. It’s been that kind of year!