21 Oct October Goings-On
Another stellar week here in the Ottawa Valley. The leaves are only now reaching their peak, a late start this year thanks to our changing climate. This is such a beautiful season.
My big news this week was interviewing Kathy Reichs at the Ottawa International Writers Festival on Monday evening at a church at Somerset and Elgin. We had a full house, showing how many fans she has in the city. The hour flew by and I managed to get in most of my questions before the audience had their turn. Kathy shared a lot about her jam-packed career, writing life and her latest book, The Bone Hacker, twenty-second in the series. All in all, a fun evening!
After the interview, a woman came up to me and said that her book club was reading one of my books, and she really enjoyed my work. I asked if she’d like me to drop by, and so, I’ll be visiting her book club next Saturday, which happens to be in my neighbourhood. She also asked if I’d like to take part in an on-line auction to benefit mental health services through an initiative called Ottawa Blues for Youth, and I’m happy to participate. You can make bids on a wide range of neat stuff at this link – note it ends tomorrow. I’m there with two signed books and the offer to visit your book club!
This morning, I’m setting out to the Granite Curling Club where two book clubs are meeting up with coffee and pastries to ask me about my writing and books. I know it will be a welcoming group. I’m also speaking at the Canadian Authors Association this coming Monday evening at Beaverbrook Library, asked to talk about my road to publication and my writing process. I’ve worked out my speech, which will be more of a chat, and feel ready to go. I’ll report on both events next Saturday.
On the writing front this week, I wrote chapter one of book four in the Hunter and Tate series and am still tinkering with it. Laura Boyle also finalized the cover for book three, Fatal Harvest, reveal coming soon. I’m waiting book three’s edits from Allister and expect them soon. Then, I’ll be making changes and tidying up the text. Lots more work to do on book three.
Well, the morning is ticking along and I need to head out the door to make the book club. Lisa is dropping off her dog Trooper when I’m gone so I’ll have some walks, ball-throwing and belly rubs to keep me busy in the afternoon. Maybe Trooper and I can finish reading that book we started last time. Happy weekend ahead 🙂