20 Nov November Grey
I’ve decided to embrace November … embrace the grey, the rainy snow, the sunset at 4 p.m. Laugh at depressing and gloomy. ha ha.
A so so week on the writing front. I’m working my way up to 45,000 words. I like when I hit 50,000 words and the action speeds up. Everything is in place, the characters are fleshed out and the red herrings are creating confusion. The last 30,000 words usually feel like a sled gaining speed. I like my first draft to be about 80,000 words as I always add on the rewrites. Anyhow, I’m getting close to the top of the hill.
I had a good chat with my audiobook narrator for Blind Date. We’re both pumped about the project. She plans to start recording this week, so I can’t wait to hear the first chapter or two. My cover designer and I lost a week as my emails weren’t making it onto her email site. We’ve straightened out the problem and she sent along a demo cover to me last night. The reveal is getting closer…
The events start next week. First up is a Facebook Live panel with Mike Martin and Don Butler at the North Grenville Public Library on November 29 starting at 3 p.m. EST. The event will be live streamed on the library Facebook page. We start off with two-minute readings and then into the questions. Should be an interesting chat led by Pamela Welling. Tune in if you have time.
December 1st, I’m speaking virtually to the Twisted Sisters bookclub via Zoom and I’ve been working on my talk off and on. Speaking for an hour is a daunting proposition, so it’s a matter of getting enough material to hold their interest. I’ll let you know how I do 🙂
And here is the poster for the December 7th regional evening, which should be a fun hour, introducing some authors you’ll want to check out: