May Days

May Days

Well I’m ready for some better weather … as are most Canadians. Although I saw a video of a man somewhere in the southern climes ring a doorbell and a snake lurched from wherever it had crawled up the door and bit him in the face, so maybe I’m okay with this northern climate after all.

I visited a morning coffee group at St. Luke’s Church on Tuesday and met some lovely women. I talked about writing and my books and there were a lot of good questions about the writing business. The woman organizing the guest speakers saw my name on the poster for the library event with Barbara Fradkin and Giacomo Panico so one thing can lead to another.

I’ve managed to settle back into writing the latest manuscript as I await the next round of editing for Closing Time, the last Stonechild book. The stopping and starting is hard but necessary, and I know that I’m extremely fortunate to be even editing a book for publication. It’s probably much the same for actors who have to promote a film they made a few years back with a new project on the go that’s now their focus.

It was also my week to post on 7 Criminal Minds blog and the question concerns what I do to prevent sitting at my desk for long periods of time writing. You’ll see that my problem actually goes in the other direction. Read my musings as well as those of my fellow bloggers, most of whom appear to suffer from the same restless affliction.

Turning Secrets is available now and is receiving some lovely reviews from readers and bloggers such as this one, posted this week. Only a few weeks until June 2 and the Ottawa launch at The Cross on Elgin. I’m so pleased to have The Haughian Brothers band playing, especially since the lead singer Bernie is returning from his new home in Collingwood to play. I’m really looking forward to seeing Bernie and his wife Darlene as I haven’t seen them since their move last year. Perfect Books will also be at the launch with books for sale and I’ll be providing some finger food so should be a good party! All are welcome so please come by if you’re able.