Keeping Busy … Too Busy!

Keeping Busy … Too Busy!

It’s a rainy, October day in Ottawa to cap off a beautiful week of weather. I’ve been busy with writing stuff, but took last weekend off to spend our wedding anniversary in Perth overnight. A few photos of the autumn beauty to start today’s post!

I completed the final edit of Blind Date and prepared a package of information for the cover designer. I also began work on a marketing plan, so this project consumed a lot of my time. I’m excited to see the cover and should have the reveal in a month or so!

As the Crime Writers of Canada Director for this region, I started organizing a virtual event to introduce our authors and their works. We’ll be live on Facebook Tuesday, December 7 at 7 p.m. EST, so mark the date. More details to come. My interview with Ottawa author Karen Copeland also went live on Monday and you can access the YouTube video here. You can also read my blog post on 7 Criminal Minds posted on Monday. The topic for the week is how our writing has changed over the years and what has driven the changes.

This past week, the Burlington book club set up a date and time for my virtual visit. I also received an invitation to visit the Twisted Sisters Book Club on December 1st and have been working on organizing a virtual presentation as I’ll be speaking for an hour to an audience of over a hundred.

So, the week ahead. I’m hoping to get back writing my latest manuscript, but will need to spend some time going through what I’ve already written before continuing. One step forward and two steps back … I’ll also continue working on the marketing plan and have some Crime Writers of Canada work to do, including a board meeting later in the week.

But for this morning, another cup of coffee and an hour spent finishing The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. It’s always a good day when you start off reading a good book:-)