Just Stay Home!

Just Stay Home!

Highlight of the week was getting the first dose of the Covid vaccine on Tuesday – our lives have gotten basic at best. While I’m relieved to get the process started, I’m eager for everyone else to get their shots too. I want everyone to be safe. This has been a bad week as Covid numbers are higher than they’ve ever been across the country and intensive care units are becoming overwhelmed. As of midnight, we cannot gather with anyone outside our household (except for one person living alone.) Golf courses and playgrounds are shut down. Police and other officials can stop you and ask why you aren’t at home. This is not going to be a fun few weeks, but we need to buckle down and get the Covid virus contained.

I’ve been editing great guns this week and am rewriting the last few chapters of my latest manuscript. I now have four readers (thank you everyone) who will go through the manuscript and give me their feedback. While they’re doing that, I’m going to clean my office and do some spring cleaning – all things I’ve been putting off 🙂

I interviewed Rick Mofina on Wednesday afternoon, my last interview for Crime Writers of Canada introducing some of the crime writers from Ottawa and Eastern Ontario. We had a good chat that will be posted a week Monday. I had a lot of fun and met some interesting people. I’ve agreed to stay on one more year as this region’s rep on the executive and have a few meetings, including the AGM, on the horizon.

It was also my Monday to post on 7 Criminal Minds blogspot. The topic was children’s literature and here is my post. You should also read my fellow blogger Abir’s take on kids’ lit in his post titled “Why Do You Hate Your Kids So Much?” Hilarious.

I’ll be taking part a panel that includes Gail Bowen, Barbara Fradkin and Vicki Delany, via Zoom on May 13. We’re one of several Crime Writers of Canada panels taking part in the Ontario Association of Librarian Technicians (OALT) conference. It’s not open to the public (too bad!) I think it will be a great discussion, moderated by Melodie Campbell. It’ll be good to take part in an event again!

So I’m still playing around with BookBrush, a promotion tool for authors that has all kinds of options for mocking up ads. Here is my latest creation after taking a second webinar on how to use the features. I also started up a dedicated author page on Instagram. You can find me as BrendaChapmanAuthor    I’ll be posting photos from future events when we’re allowed to have them so follow and stay tuned 🙂 Even better if you aren’t a divorced/single older man looking for a mate (as so many of my recent followers seem to be on these sites).