Fatal Harvest Has Launched

Fatal Harvest Has Launched

Good Saturday morning. It’s been another busy week!

The official release date for Fatal Harvest finally arrived on Monday and the book is now available pretty much everywhere. To mark the release, my friend and fellow crime fiction writer Dietrich Kalteis posted this interview on his blog Off the Cuff about the latest book along with a snippet from chapter one.

I managed to get back in the writing saddle, now at 53,000 words on the latest manuscript, although I had distractions. The first was those darn taxes — getting the paperwork together took up a big chunk of my weekend. I also spent an afternoon working on my 2024 bookkeeping, planning not to be caught half-ready as I was this year. Best laid plans.

This week has felt like a lull in what is going to become a busy few months. If you check the main page of my website, you can see my list of public events. I have a few private ones (for specific groups) coming up as well. This all begins with the launch at Perfect Books two Wednesdays from now — if you can’t make it, I’ll be happy to see you at one of the other signings.

At last, the weather’s had the odd day of decent spring weather and we’ve been making a dent on the yard work. The gardens are all cleaned out and new growth is sprouting. We’ve spent some afternoons sitting outside in the sun, enjoying this change of seasons. Good news for this summer – the City plan to dig up the road in front of our house to put in new sewers has been postponed a year. While I know this is simply putting off the inevitable, I’m grateful for the reprieve.

Time for a second cup of coffee before getting this morning underway. Have a great weekend, everyone.