09 Dec Entering the Holiday Season!
Good morning!
Today from noon to 2:00 p.m., I’ll be at Coles Billing Bridge with fellow author Barbara Fradkin as part of a Crime Writers of Canada event. This is my last event of 2023, so stop by and say hi if you’re in the mall.
Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. We’re getting close to Christmas as well – my family actually had the first celebration this past week since we won’t all be together on the day. All this snow helps one to get in the mood, not to mention some gift-giving and unwrapping, and cookie-baking. Ted and I still get a real tree and won’t pick one out for another week or so. That’s when our house will get decorated and festive.
I’ve had a terrific writing week. Sue Rothery’s copy edits for Fatal Harvest arrived a few days ago, and I went through them, making adjustments to the manuscript. My daughter, Lisa, is giving it a final read, although I’m also going through it end to end again. This is the point where I start to get obsessive about word-tinkering, trying to make things perfect before the book goes up on Amazon and Ingram Spark for pre-orders in the new year. I’ll be sure to let you know when you can pre-order. I also introduced the cover, designed by Laura Boyle, and we’re getting lots of thumbs up! You can read the cover blurb on my website.
I’ve also been working on the book four manuscript for this series and am at 12,000 words. This one is flowing more easily than some, and I’m enjoying the storylines and characters. I’ll try to fit in as much writing as I can over the next few weeks, although the holiday will take up a lot of my time as socializing and get togethers continue.
This is a fun time of year. I particularly like all the lights that people put on their houses and properties to shine in the darkness. Candlelight, fires in the hearth … all make this season special.
Good week ahead, everyone.