08 Jan Craziness Behind the Scenes
Back in semi-lockdown and barely leaving the house. The first week of January 2022 feels a lot like March 2020 – Covid continues to control our lives.
My week has been really busy with not a lot to show for all the hours. I continue to edit Blind Date as preparations are underway for its March 1st release. Most importantly, the book is now available for pre-order on Amazon in Kindle format. You can place your order and help move the book up on the algorithms – not something to be underestimated!
I continue to be amazed and grateful for how well the Cold Mourning audiotape has done in 2021 in the library system. This recent article by Publisher’s Weekly has my book in third place for library loans in 76,000 libraries and schools in 94 countries, behind Barack Obama’s A Promised Land and Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. I’ve read and immensely enjoyed both these books. But as Ted pointed out, “You placed above Matthew McConoughey.” – I mean … come on! I grapple to comprehend this accomplishment.
I’m also continuing to work with my narrator to tape the Blind Date audiobook and am so pleased with how things are going. She’s about a fifth of the way through and really bringing the book to life. There will be an announcement about her identity closer to release, but I can tell you that she’s a local radio personality, and I’m so lucky to have her working on this project. Stay tuned …
I’ve got so much on my plate right now, including organizing a virtual launch, that I’m on the verge of being overwhelmed. One step at a time is a good motto and one I’m latching onto. As my sister and I declared to each other on our New Year’s phone call, “I y’am what I y’am and that’s all what I y’am.” (to quote Popeye.) This has to be enough.
I see another long week at the computer and hope to make some good progress. Tune in again next Saturday to see how I do! Have a good week, everyone. Stay safe and look for silver linings. I know we’ll get through this difficult time together.