Back from Summer Break

Back from Summer Break

Summer is officially over so I’m back blogging as promised. Summer sure zipped by, didn’t it?! Covid-19 is still controlling our lives and I’ve listened to Public Health and stayed close to home since I last wrote. It’s kind of sad when Google Earth reports that I’ve travelled to Metro, Farm Boy and my allergist and that’s about it for the month of July. Life becomes very small when there’s a pandemic going on.

I’ve been writing but not crazily so. I’m approaching the half-way mark in the first draft of this latest manuscript. Still no news about finding an agent for my last manuscript as I dip my toe in the waters. Closing Time has been on the shelves for about five months without much fanfare, but readers appear to be finding it. I’ve gotten some lovely messages and the reviews on Goodreads and elsewhere have been heart-warming. People seem sad to be saying goodbye to the characters. I’m already missing them too.

The events that had to be postponed, including the launch, are still postponed or cancelled. I was invited to tea outdoors with a bookclub that I’ve met with twice before. They tell me they’re my biggest fans:-) It was a lovely socially distanced afternoon with Lynn making a tasty spread of sandwiches, scones and baking. I’ve been blessed to meet some terrific people through my books.

Every second Monday, I’ve posted on 7 Criminal Minds blogspot, and you can read my last post here. I have another post due this coming Monday.

I’ve also been sitting in on several Zoom meetings over the summer in my new role as Director of Ottawa/Eastern Ontario for Crime Writers of Canada. In addition to board meetings, I’m on the marketing committee and there’s been a lot going on, including rebranding of the awards and revamp of the website. This is actually a good time to get lots of work done.

Last week, I was part of People Words & Change’s International Literacy Day’s event. I submitted a short video with best wishes and responses to a few questions about my writing. You can access the video on YouTube (My two-minute spot is around the 56 minute mark including an intro by Terry Marcotte ) and you can help support PWC by purchasing a ticket to their book draw.

So summer is winding down and cooler weather is settling in. We’ve had a lovely, hot few months with lots of time spent in our backyard or our neighbours’ backyard, socially distancing. It will be tougher to get together through the winter since advice from Public Health is to keep get togethers outdoors and I’m not looking forward to that. I’ve spent a lot of time in my garden and have walked many evenings with my two friends from across the street. We’re up to date on everything going on in the neighbourhood:-) Having George and Trooper over to visit has helped keep things real too.

I hope that you’ve also had a good summer and managed to stay well and safe.

Until next week!