Author: Brenda Chapman

Another week finishing up. Yesterday was a gift of a day here in the Ottawa Valley. Twenty-two degrees and sunny. A day to lift our spirits. I took the opportunity to clean out the last of my garden and read on the back patio. A...

Checking in this October Saturday morning on what has been a relatively quiet week. I posted this past Monday on 7 Criminal Mind blogspot. The question was about a bad review we once received and asked us to respond. You can read my post here. Four...

Checking in with you again - the weeks are flying by! Only a couple of things to report this week on the writing front but both are really good. First, I heard from Pat Campbell, Grass Roots Press publisher, and they've chosen a voice actress to...

Well this has been quite a week on the American political scene. We had a frankly disturbing presidential debate on Tuesday night, and received news yesterday that President and Melania Trump both tested positive for Coronavirus and he was flown to a hospital for treatment....

Good Saturday morning. A beauty of a day in Ottawa with a predicted 25 degrees C. It's been a quick week with a lot of my time spent writing and thinking about writing. I'm into the dreaded middle of my latest manuscript when the tension is...

Another week in the books. Pretty cold this end of the country for the first half of September. I'm thinking about eating a ton of carbs and hibernating until late spring. Hopefully, there'll be a vaccine by then. No book news (I have a feeling this...

Summer is officially over so I'm back blogging as promised. Summer sure zipped by, didn't it?! Covid-19 is still controlling our lives and I've listened to Public Health and stayed close to home since I last wrote. It's kind of sad when Google Earth reports...

As the weather warms up and summer days begin, I'm wrapping up this blog until September. Covid-19 means that I'm unable to line up any events which limits my news so this seems a good time to take a break. So this will be my...

May long weekend here and it should be decent enough weather-wise to get into the garden. It felt like this day would never come with frost and snow last week, but the dreaded Arctic vortex has moved on after seriously overstaying its welcome. Since we're...

So kind of a sad day today because this was supposed to be the Closing Time launch day :-( It was going to be a great day, mainly because I'd be celebrating with so many of my friends. My university buddy Dawn Rayner was coming from Toronto,...