11 Nov
Good morning on this chilly Remembrance Day. It’s a day to remember and to give thanks to all those who’ve served to keep us free and safe through the years. It’s so tragic to have wars still going on – inconceivable what people are capable of doing to each other. Yet, there is also goodness and kindness in the world and this is what we need to celebrate and keep fighting for.
Tomorrow, I will be with fellow author Don Butler at the Cumberland branch of the Ottawa Public Library from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. to talk about our books and writing and to do brief readings. We’ll have some copies for sale at $20 each – signed books make great Christmas stocking stuffers 🙂 Sunday is going to be a really cold day, so a great idea to spend the afternoon at the library with us!
I spent a quieter week, continuing with an edit review, which I will complete today. I’ve also been writing on the next manuscript and working on chapter two. I anticipate settling in at my desk this week to get a few chapters written, although I have some things going on, including a visit from a Toronto friend for a few days and a book signing at Coles Carlingwood next Saturday, November 18 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (if you have a chance to come by).
Well, our house is buttoned down for winter with the exception of leaf-raking, which will continue if the weather allows. Next up on the agenda is getting ready for Christmas, an event that takes an amazing amount of preparation time. The best part is the parties and get togethers throughout the season. They make this cold, dreary part of the year something to savour rather than simply endure.
Have a good weekend, everyone. Catch you next Saturday.