May Showers

May Showers

This has been a good week to stay indoors and …. start another book! Yup, I couldn’t keep my fingers off the keyboard and am now 3600 words into a new manuscript, a sequel to the one I just finished. The feedback I’ve received thus far about the finished manuscript from three of my four review readers has been so positive, I’ve decided to keep going with these characters. I’m waiting on one more reader and then I’ll make the last changes and figure out what to do with the manuscript. Agent? Traditional publisher? Indie publisher? Lots to consider.

This coming Thursday, I’m part of a panel with Gail Bowen, Barbara Fradkin and Vicki Delany, moderated by Melodie Campbell. We’re part of the Ontario Association of Library Technicians conference, which has daily Zoom panels of Crime Writers of Canada authors taking place all week. It’s a closed conference or I’d invite you to drop in. đŸ™‚ Anyhow, it’s been so long since I’ve taken part in an event that it might take a question or two to take the rust off. Luckily, I’m with a terrific group of authors so I’m sure it’ll be like riding a bike.

Lately, I’ve been reading books in the thriller genre and feel like I’ve become satiated. The last one I read is called The Guilty Party by Mel McGrath and I’m partway through To Tell You the Truth by Gilly MacMillan. There’s an underlying sense of dread as characters make bad choices as well as a darkness to the plot that often seems on the other side of absurd. I also recently read Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane and The Push by Ashley Audrain, which I’d also place in the domestic thriller genre. If the authors are striving for that unsettled, icky feeling in the reader as they read the final pages, they’ve succeeded with me. What do you think about this trend? Is this the kind of mystery you enjoy?

This latest lockdown has meant not much new in people’s lives. We haven’t been able to go anywhere or do anything new in weeks — make that months. This has kept many of us safe but it’s been tough mentally and emotionally. The vaccine is offering hope though. Last year, we planted a maple on our front lawn that we call the Covid tree. This year, we’re planting another maple and a seviceberry tree. Two more Covid trees that will grow and thrive in the years to come.

Have a good week everyone and Happy Mother’s Day!